Hello, friends!

Most of you follow my photography blog - And I love to share tidbits of my life there, but lately I've felt I want to share more. We've had quite the year of learning and growing - and documenting my life has always been something I truly enjoy. This year we've had tons to document with the renovation of our little cabin home. Right now, I have no kitchen. Well - I have a little kitchen in the basement that we've set up temporarily - but our main kitchen is gutted. (And don't worry we decided to host Christmas Day dinner for the first time this year, great timing. Hellllllooooo crockpot).

I've also mentioned on my photo blog that we've been trying for a baby. After two losses and some testing, I think we are getting much closer to answers. I've found that publicly sharing this journey has helped with my fear and worry about what the future holds for us. I even know a couple women who have my exact condition and have healthy children, definitely gives us hope! We are over a year into this journey and its been one full of excitement, worry, hope, and fear. And through speaking out about this topic I've found I am so far from alone. I look forward to sharing this process with you as we learn more and more about what we're in for.

I've had the idea for awhile to start a personal blog but went back and forth. Do I have enough to say? Do I have enough time?! (The answer is no, haha) Will people read it!? But it all came down to this - I will read it. It brings me peace and happiness to look back on the memories of our life. I love remembering exactly how I felt on certain days and times. Last year with our new home we took a huge leap into a major lifestyle change. Some days along the way I have no idea what we were thinking! And other days have been full of joy. I've said so many times I could write a book - So instead, I'll write a blog. 

This is my first post and intro into what to expect. 

I'd love to get a couple Christmas posts in before the Holidays arrive! How do we only have 10 days until Christmas!? It always goes way too fast!! But I made homemade marshmallows I want to share with you, and maybe some of our Christmas decor too!

Expect kitchen renovation posts - Updates of our dogs - Sharing memories of holidays and events in our life - My journey to living present over perfect - Our hope for baby - And so much more. 

As always, thank you for the support!

XOX - Ashley