Photo from our maternity session with KariMe Photography at 31 weeks. Can't wait to share all of these photos with you! Scout has no idea what she's in for.
35 weeks today.
It's currently 4:12am -- Not uncommon for me to be awake. My sleep patterns are all kinds of crazy these days. I rolled over at 3:00am to check the time and a text from a great friend of mine who is in labor got me UP. I had tears streaming down my face immediately. So incredibly excited for her. So many feelings washed over me as this will be us in a few short weeks.
5 weeks. Think of a week and how fast it flies. Yesterday was the first official day of Fall and I'm still just wondering where the Summer went? When I think of being pregnant since February it seems like forever, but the time has gone by so fast. My curiosity on when he will make his appearance is going to drive me crazy!! Some days I think it's going to be 37 weeks, others I think I will go late. My hospital bag is medium packed. I'm thinking this is the weekend I'm going to get it fully packed up. I still have quite a bit of work to do before he arrives and if that puts me into early labor I just want to be "ready!"
We are in the midst of a Fall heat wave. Likeeeee 90 degrees and 100% humidity. Liiiiiiiiike the AC is set at 67 and we have an additional unit in our bedroom thats running + two fans. Liiiiiike we have plans to go swimming tomorrow! I am obsessed with Fall and have no patience for the heat/humidity. But maybe watching one more buckeyes game from the pool on my Saturday off won't be so bad. I've imagined him making his arrival when the air is crisp and cool and the colors all around us are shades of oranges and yellows. Maybe this is natures way of saying we still have time.
When you're pregnant everyone asks how you feel. My answer changes day to day on how I feel. Overall - I'd say good. Yesterday was one of those "not good" days. Too much running around, not enough eating, and some extremely hot weather had me down. We had plans to go to a food truck festival and at 6pm on Friday night as we were walking out the door I just said babe, I can't do it. So some buttered pasta & "chick'n nugs" and a warm bath filled my evening. Hubs made himself an old fashioned with his anniversary gift and we relaxed at home. Some days I hop out of bed ready to slay my to-do list, and others I'm just whipped and nap on and off and spend all my time in Nick's t-shirts. And I think thats okay <3 There was a time when I thought my body would never do this for us. I'm humbled by the reminder that we've made it this far. That there is a kicking, hiccuping, thriving human being inside me right now. That the person we love most in the world we don't even know yet. How thrilling is that thought? In life, when we meet people we don't always know the impact they will make on us right away. But when you are about to meet your child, you know you are about to meet the most important person in the world to you. One that will forever change the direction of your life in all the best ways. So when my body gets tired and doesn't put up with what I want it to do, I have to remind myself its brought us this far. It's grown our perfect human, a human I cried and cried over and feared I would never meet. I will take a night in on the couch watching Property Brothers and falling asleep by 8pm over anything as long as it keeps him safe and sound.
Some moments from our third trimester. I know I will miss this bump once its gone...
We had our baby shower at home the weekend of August 26th and it was perfect. Mother nature tossed us the most incredible 75 degree day. My sister, Bff, and Mom put together the most amazing shower that was wonderfully us. Co-ed full of pizza, beer, and donuts and all our closest friends and family. I can't thank everyone enough who helped to make this day special for us. We were showered with more gifts than we deserve and really felt the love all day. These big events in our life that only come around once, maybe twice absolutely make you realize just how good you have it. I just can't get over how lucky we are in this life. I cannot wait for our babe to meet all the amazing people that already love him so much. Thank you so so so so much for giving us a great weekend to celebrate and setting baby up for his arrival.
Last week Nick and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary.
I love remembering this day and everything it meant to us. Yes the planning was stressful and I barely slept or ate for the weeks leading up to the day - but something tells me your wedding is a little like child-birth. Once its over you forget how awful some parts of it were. Because all I remember was how incredible everything was. That day I was tired and nervous, and that might be an understatement. But I will never forget for the rest of my life when I was walking arm in arm with my parents and we turned the corner and I saw Nick standing there at the end of the aisle this rush like I've never felt in my life ran over me. I was literally repeating out loud "Omg I love him so much, this is exactly where I am supposed to be, I've never been so sure of anything my entire life. I love him I love him I love him." It was this moment where the literal world stopped. This peace came over me and I will never ever forget that feeling.
We've had quite the three years since then. Started out with a bunch of traveling, and then purchasing and renovating our country home, to trying for and losing babies, to being weeks away from meeting our son. And through all of this I am still just so glad he chose me. I'm not sure if its the hormones, or the fact that I know its not going to be just us two anymore here soon, but I have loved him so hard lately. I've taken the time to notice more of his efforts, whether thats dragging down the laundry basket, helping me install the car seat while I'm sweating and overwhelmed, how so much of his energy goes to his job, or how he brought me home a gift of two pedicures because I can't reach my toes anymore. I just love him. Our life could not be more different than it was when we met at 16. Over the years Nick has made so many promises to me, and I can tell you he's surpassed them all. He has overcome so much in his life and fought a lot harder for success than I ever had to, and I know he's done so much of that for me and our family. My gratefulness for him is immeasurable. Marriage is a constant work in progress, and as we grow older and change and evolve we have to learn new ways to nurture and care for each other. I cannot imagine doing life with anyone else. I want to laugh with him, fight with him, see the world with him, watch netflix with him, and figure out parenting with him. I know this next season is going to bring a lot of exhaustion and a lot less time for date night, but I promise to never forget that there was an us before him. An extremely happy passionate us. I love you, Nick. Then and now and forever.
From our anniversary dinner 9.20.17
34.5 weeks - Wishing we had a great photo together on our anniversary, but these will have to do.
There is so much excitement and uncertainty in the next 5 weeks! Will my next post be about his arrival? Will he go late and I'll fill you all in on the last few weeks!? I DONT KNOW!! Gonna make me crazy.
Until then